Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Picture Assignment #2

Chloe Johnson

I went with the idea of creating an advertisement. The feel had to be very romantic but with a professional undertone, so I wanted the message to be very legible and clean with the font.
-"Valentine's Day" should have a romantic feel since it ties in the love theme, so I chose the Calligraphic font Sacramento and boosted the red to be brighter. That ways it that was legible, but still melted into the picture.
-I chose Cinzel font for the tag line and contrasted it in white so that it would pop out. I liked that font because it was very professional and classy looking, to contrast the Schmoozing "Valentine's Day".
-The website at the top, I made much smaller, since it's the "unattractive" text in the shot. However, very important to have it seen, so I made it very legible in Cinzel and popping out in white.

For the picture, I took it on the London eye when my friend's boyfriend came to visit our study abroad. I wanted to create a silhouette and call more attention to the view of London to enhance the mystery/romance idea. I threw on a filter called "Summer", turned down the brightness, and cranked up saturation and contrast. The entire image is heightened and more dramatic.

I commented on
Porter Chelson
Lauren Buchanan
Ally Hawkins
Samuel Clayton
Natalie Daelemans


  1. I like this photo, I feel like it could be a post card, and the font tots works.

  2. This is very clever! The font and color choice work very well. Great job!

  3. This looks like a Las Vegas postcard and I love it! I would have the words at the top be a slightly brighter red but overall fantastic job!

  4. I love that the viewer can only see the silhouette of the couple in this design. It adds to the mystery/romance theme that you are using. I also love how you edited the color of the sky, bringing out dreamy hues of blue and pink. Awesome!
