Thursday, February 5, 2015

Esther Cabrera-Assignment #1

Humbling Faces
The modern day Pocahontas. I know that sounds kind of cheesy but when I took this picture of my friend Mina while hiking at Little Wild Horse Canyon in southern Utah that's exactly who I pictured her as. I wanted to capture these amazing red rock formations that surrounded the area and show that Utah is so diverse and beautiful. It almost looked like the rocks would be shaped or colored in a way that they looked like faces. Like the ancient Native people's spirits still lived on the land through the great stone walls. The contrast of her small body with the large rock structures was a humbling sight. I just wanted to emphasize the fact that we humans are so small compared to the world and sometimes we separate ourselves from the world we live in because of technology and other things. But we should we should still appreciate and admire God's creations by getting out of our comfort zone and exploring the world that was made for us because it is breathtaking. I feel like this picture would spark an interest in others to get out into the open and follow their adventure.

I commented on 5 peoples photos. 


  1. I really like this picture because the contrast between the height of the person and the vast space of the canyons gives the impression that humans are small in comparison to everything else out there. It gives a specific story about the the contemplation of the character in the story.

  2. I love the perception you give by photographing your friend in the distance because it really emphasizes how grand the mountains are. I also really like the coloring in the photo, and how the red rock is contrasted with the gray sky.

  3. I agree with Hannah. There is an obvious emotion of the grandness of nature and the smallness of people. I love the colors and texture of the mountain in the picture.
