Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Assignment #1: Austin DeLaMare - Summertime Serenity

I took this image at the City Creek Mall, and did so because I thought the design of the water fountains and the layout of the shot was unique. The way the light hit the water during sunset gave the water a majestic feel and I strove to capture the serenity of the moment. Water, being a representation of life, “danced” playfully amidst the spinning fountains. I felt this lively depiction of water was a good, symbolic representation of the several kids that can be seen at City Creek Mall playing in the fountains during summertime. The warm lighting provided by the sunset gives a sort of calm, nostalgic feel to the shot. I placed the fountains closer to the upper 1/3 of the shot since that’s where eyes tend to naturally fall on first glance. The darkened bottom half and blurred upper half leaves only the fountains in focus, telling the viewer that the fountains are the focal point of the shot.


  1. I love the lighting in this picture, it creates an awesome contrast.

  2. LOVE this picture!! It is beautiful! Def my favorite on here. The picture is so calming and I feeling like it perfectly captures the feeling of nostalgia. Great job!! : )

  3. I like the way you brought the fountains into sharp focus and let the background fade out. The contrast between the top and the bottom of the picture also make it visually grabbing.

  4. I think the lighting in this picture is what really gives it such a peaceful feel. When you look at the picture it almost feels like you can hear the fountains.

  5. I like fountains, so I like this picture.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I like water shots, and this one is really good.

  8. Those things are so cool to touch.

  9. This one really made me look. I tried squinting, looking from further away, it really got me thinking. Great picture

  10. At first glance I thought these were tiny water sprinklers and it made me really look to figure out what it was. Cool picture and really nice composition.

  11. I thought that this was a picture of sprinklers at first, but then I realized they were fountains. I really love how the light is spread in this picture and perfectly illuminates the water. It seems ethereal.
