Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Victoria Wilkins-Assignment #2 "Step Forward Into Growth"

My yoga instructor read this quote to us at the start of a class. It applies not only to yoga, but to all other aspects of life. I often am afraid to try a new pose or to try a harder step in a pose, and then I do not progress in my practice. This quote reminds me that when I do not take that step forward and try something new, I will not grow.

For the design of the photo I used a font called DIN Alternate, it is a really clean and neutral font. I placed the word "growth" at the end of the girls hand to show movement forward. I then increased the kerning and bolded the word to emphasize the meaning. I did the opposite for the word "safety" so that the reader would not only read the quote, but see it in the image. I paralleled the lines in the different parts of the quote and lined up the words "growth" and "safety". I decreased the opacity of the letters because I liked how it made the words softer against the image. Lastly I made the author's name smaller than the rest of the words because I wanted the focus to be on the quote and the meaning.

I commented on: Porter Chelson, Travis Mortenson, Natalie Daelemans, Ruben Felix, and Tyler Shaw


  1. I think you did a great job putting the text in the foresight of the person in your picture. It automatically causes the observer to look forward. This momentum really drives home your point of stepping forward into growth rather then allowing yourself to stumble back.

  2. I love the use of the font size and making certain words more bold, it helps define the purpose of the picture. The flow of the picture is great, because the arm of the woman helps lead to the words. Nice job!

  3. Great job changing the size oft certain words to demonstrate the feeling of the quote. The small font on safety gives the feeling of shrinking back.

  4. This has a really cool feel to it. It brings out the energy of calmness like you would get from doing yoga. Great job

  5. This has a really cool feel to it. It brings out the energy of calmness like you would get from doing yoga. Great job

  6. I think that kerning the word 'growth' was very insightful and helps your message. It's something I think a lot of people wouldn't think to do, but is definitely noticed in your work. I like it!
