Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lauren Buchanan Assignment #2: Fitness

I believe that being "in shape" is a choice.  For this assignment, I wanted to demonstrate that belief in a motivational way.  So, I decided to make an inspirational poster/ad.  I asked a friend to pose with her bike, took some pictures, then used a format on canva.com to alter the image and make it black and white.  I used several different fonts from the website as well.

I chose to make this black and white because being 'in shape' is very much a black and white subject for me: you either choose to get out and get active or you don't.  I also didn't want any added color to detract from the words and subsequently the whole purpose of my message.

The three separate groups of words are are different fonts.  I wanted the initial message at the top to be uniform, straight-forward, and easy to read.  I purposely made the "GET FIT" bolder and the largest script on the image.  That way, after reading the first sentence, the reader's eye immediately moves to the largest, boldest words.  I chose to make "It's a choice" slightly italicized.  The idea was to add emphasis to the concept of exercising and finish off the entire thing hopefully leaving the viewer motivated to make that choice for themselves.

I commented on:

Ryan Wells
Natalie Daelemans
Samuel Clayton
Porter Chelson
Lindsay Combs


  1. The black and white was such good choice. And changing the font on "Its A Choice" really made it stand out as a powerful end statement.

  2. I loved how you used different fonts for each different statement. It really helps the message stand out!

  3. I like how you used put the main message in caps on the lower right third, I think the bike draws your eye that way so it's really well done.

  4. I really like the change of fonts, almost like that second font makes the picture more meaningful. Good job.

  5. I like how you kept the main focus on the text in the lower right by changing the fonts! I like the contrast with the black and white.

  6. I like how you kept the main focus on the text in the lower right by changing the fonts! I like the contrast with the black and white.

  7. I really like the black and white style photo with the white writing. It makes the subject feel more serious, which is really good for the message you're trying to portray. I like that "It's a choice" is in italics. It reminds me of the logo for Curves gym.
