Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Assignment #3--Carrie Duford: Describe Me

For this assignment, I decided to combine the elements of previous assignments and build on them. This was originally a photograph I took of my husband, I used Photoshop to create the image that you see. After taking the picture, my husband and I had a brainstorming session to come up with good descriptors of him. I wanted the words to tell a quick story or give a quick overview about him--all based on the narrative theory. The descriptors that came from the brainstorming session became the typography you see in the image. I chose to use a color scheme that represented my husband. A color scheme is a series of colors (typically two to five) and analogous colors are those that are situated adjacent to one another on the color wheel. For this assignment I used the analogous colors: red-orange, orange, and yellow-orange since orange is his favorite color. The highlights in the picture are the yellow-orange color. The orange and red-orange is on a gradient from top to bottom of the shadows of the image. I used the adobe color website to choose the exact colors of orange. Then in Photoshop I translated this information in using the RGB codes to find the colors I was looking for. All in all, creating this image took over six hours and three failed attempts, but I learned valuable skills to use in the future with Photoshop. 

I commented on Colton Fullmer, Ashyln Allred, Haley Herrera, Mallory Jesperson, and Bryan Pearson. 


  1. I really love this entry. I love the flow of color change from the top of the head to the neck, it's not overpowering, but is still interesting and enticing. I wish the image was bigger so that I could read the words that were used, I clicked on the photo multiple times to try and view it, so I was definitely interested in the image!

  2. I think this is an extremely creative post! I love how the type is small and subtle but it makes up the entire picture. It is interesting!

  3. I really like this one! I like the words and how it creates the picture. I like the changing of the colors. Well done, it is awesome!!

  4. I love that just becasue of the color our we can tell that the picture is of someone's face and pick out their facial features.
