Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Assignment 2- Morgan Linford: Make Your Soul Happy

I took this photo in Sendenhorst, Germany not too long ago. After watching an enormous factory burn down about a 1/2 mile from our home, my friends and I set out to escape the smoke and find some peace. This Ernest Hemingway quote I have inserted sums up that day perfectly. I chose to use two fonts to create emphasis. The first was good old "Baskerville Old Face" which is a transitional serif font. Being an older font, Baskerville seems credible, which makes the quote more believable. I then used a more modern, sans-serif font called "Freestyle Script". The font is slightly slanted and appears more youthful than Baskerville, creating a nice contrast. My call to action is pretty clear, since the quote is a command, but I think it is a genuine command that many of us forget to obey.

I commented on:
Lexi Erickson
Miranda Facer
Erin O'Sullivan
Courtney Johansson
Austin DeLaMare


  1. I love the soft lighting, rich colors, lines along the dock, and basically just everything about this picture. The quote fits really well with it too, it has a strong emotional appeal. Great job!

  2. love the picture's composition and the lightening

  3. The lighting in this is beautiful! You really captured your surrounding and the quote fits perfectly.

  4. This is great! The picture is beautiful and the words with their placing really portray the message you're trying to express.

  5. This pic is very pinteresting! Great use of boardwalk to guide into a very great text. I'm glad you made 'happy' in an upbeat, happy text.

  6. I love the contrast and lighting that you used. Its very in-your-face and powerful.

  7. The text goes great with the image. It gives a very relaxing overall feel.

  8. I really like your use of two different fonts to put emphasis on happy

  9. Great composition with both the image and the text. It all looks very professional. Only thing I might modify is keeping the text between the white lines so "soul" doesn't cross over. Love it!
