Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Justin Alworth- Final

Last week, I had the opportunity to go down to Moab and do some hiking, climbing, and canoeing.  One of the most impressive sights that I saw was the famous "Wall Street" next to the Colorado River.  It is an amazing sight and it was covered with climbers.  While I was watching, I started thinking of the stark contrast between the Wall Street in Manhattan and the Wall Street of Moab.  I thought it would be fun to make a billboard campaign showing the contrast to advertise visitmoab.com

The first thing I did was edit the coloring of both pictures.  I wanted Moab to have more of the bright colors and contrast, and give the "wide open spaces" feel.  I wanted to get angle of New York that would line up back to back with the sandstone cliffs.  I then blurred the middle line of the two pictures so that there was a smooth transition.

I wanted to add something that referred to New York as the tagline, so I came up with "A higher return on investment" to tie in the financial side of Wall street in New York and the size of the sandstone cliffs of Moab.

For the font of "Wall st" I actually used a picture of a Wall Street sign in New York.  I made the contrast really high so that it popped, then I cropped it out and placed it.  I then picked a street sign font for the rest of the white type and matched the color to the Wall street sign.  I picked a more adventurous font for visitmoab.com and matched the color to the sandstone to even out the display.

I commented on 5 projects.


  1. I love the idea. it's clever. the whole thing looks good.

  2. This is so creative! I really like the contrast of the two pictures, and it quickly grabs my attention.

  3. Dude the top one is absolutely stunning. The blend in the middle is very smooth. I love how both pictures lead from the middle outward. Very well placed
