Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Final Project - Katherine Poulson

The idea for this project came to me while I was browsing Pinterest. I saw a pin about how to do double exposures. While my first idea was to do a nature theme, and go along the lines of how life is made up of moments, I ultimately decided to do the above picture. Basically what I did, was create a collage of images in photoshop. Each of these images has something to do with me. It's describes a personality trait, a moment of importance, or something I love. This is just a small glimpse into who I am. Then, after creating the collage, I used my camera and a remote shutter release and took the profile image of me. I pulled that into photoshop, removed the background, changed color, tone, contrast, and a tweaked a few other things. Once that was done, I pulled the collage into the same document as the profile, created a layer mask, and using the blend tool in Photoshop, I mixed the top and bottom layer to create the double exposure. Then I pulled the quote in. Found the typography that I liked, and tried to create a thought provoking addition to the image. 

I commented on: 


  1. I realllllly like this! You did a great job!

  2. Wow, the collage effect is mind blowing. You definitely conveyed your message succesfully. Great design!

  3. Wow, the collage effect is mind blowing. You definitely conveyed your message succesfully. Great design!

  4. Enjoy the simplicity of the photo. As well as the color scheme. Make the photo and message pop. Props.
