Monday, February 2, 2015

Assignment 1 - Natalie Daelemans - "Alone in Yellowstone"

This is a picture I took in Yellowstone National Park. I remember standing in this particular area, looking out over the beautiful yet somewhat desolate landscape, and feeling a little like how this tree looked. Alone in a great big world, overwhelmed by the shear vastness of everything, but also overcome by the stunning beauty of my surroundings. It was a strange mix of loneliness and appreciation for being part of this glorious world.

I framed this shot so that the horizon would fall between the middle and the top third of the frame, and so that the tree would be in the left third. I wanted to be able to show how big and desolate the plateau was, but also get the distant mountains and the sky in the shot as well.

I commented on the following people's posts: 
Nathan Innis
Jessilyn Gale
Abby Hobbs
Alex Trump
Robert Hill


  1. This is beautiful. I have never been to Yellowstone but it's definitely on my list. I love the colors in this photo. There are only a few and they are more neutral pastels but it is still beautiful.

  2. Nice job using the rule of thirds. I would love to see this photo in black and white.

  3. This is a super interesting photo! Great job!

  4. As I said to you in class, I love this picture because of its minimalism. You don't need a lot of trees and flowers to have an artistic photo. Your picture shows that even barrenness can be a amazing thing to behold.
