Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Assignment 4: How to take notes: Madison Houghton

I'm really weird, I love taking notes. Often people will look through my notebook while I'm taking notes, or I'll send someone some notes, and they'll always respond with, "wow your notes are so pretty! I love them!" Which always makes me feel pretty cool.
I think the reason people like them so much is because they're creative, but they're organized! Two of my favorite things.
Layout is a lot like that, you have to be creative to make the viewer interested in what you're presenting. But it absolutely has to be organized, so that anybody can make sense of the information.
So for this project I created a note page that includes my tips on how to take good notes.
It combines elements of layout and design with your own personal creative juices!
Plus, it makes studying about x10 more fun.

I've commented on: Sam Thorup, Benton Challis, Lexi Erickson, Clarissa Oliphant, and Brandon Henson


  1. One the handwriting is amazing... or the graphics... whichever you did. haha. The most important thing about this, its original and that is why i like it. It is taking a spin on our design class, while talking about design in your project. A+

  2. How fun! Wow, this definitely beats my way of taking notes!! Love the purple accents as well- makes it more exciting. This is original and creative. Awesome job!!

  3. I love that you didn't let the computer be a distraction for this piece. Very smart.

  4. I love the creativity. You showed people how to take notes by taking notes on how you take notes in the way you actually take notes :) Confused? I think I am too. But great idea.

  5. You're so creative, Mads. I love this and will try to use this guide in the future :)

  6. I love this so much. Creative, helpful, and it flows well. And you showed that typeface and color are important, even when the image isn't computer generated.

  7. This is a really cool idea! I love how it's different. The purple adds a great emphasis. Also, they're easy to follow even though they aren't the basic left aligned notes.
