Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Assignment #4 - Banner - Eric Slaugh

For this banner, I tried to use perspective to draw the reader to the information on the right, slanting the actual photo to the right and using the logo to direct the attention of the reader up and to the right slightly.  I used SF movie poster for the font to make it grab attention, and used the rule of thirds to emphasize the things that are the most important:  the start of the text and the picture of me (sorry I know that's really arrogant to say).  We use a shades color scheme as a band, using shades of white.

I commented on: Austin Page, Morgan Linford, Brandon Henson, Stefan van de Graaff, and Aaron Adam's posts,


  1. Good job! I like how you kept it simple with the colors and the layout. I think you accomplished what you wanted with having peoples eyes lead to the info on the right.

  2. love it. only suggestion, kern the words AVAILABLE NOW so that the edges line up with THE NEW SINGLE and the album cover above it. Or maybe just the space between the words. Also i listened to the song. I really like it!

  3. I am definitely impressed! This looks very legit. Honestly, if I saw this as an album cover, I wouldn't think that an amateur did it. Very well executed. I love that it is so modern in style, but classy at the same time.

  4. Clean and classy looking. I like that the band logo draws the reader to the information on the right hand side. Rule of thirds is done well here making it well balanced. Excellent job.

  5. Fresh and clean, it rocks almost as hard as Coma Pilot does in real life. I like how bold the font is, because the band itself is bold.
