Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Assignment #4: Celebrity Magazine

I'm majoring in Broadcast Journalism but print journalism is something that I would love to get experience on as well. I always pictured myself working in a fashion magazine when I thought about it. This was an intent of cover magazine design. I look at many fashion magazines for inspiration and discovered that the layout changes depending on the style and type of magazine. I got Taylor's picture and edited in Photoshop so I can place it in the document. I did the rest with Publisher.

I commented on Courtney Johansson, Bryan Pearson, Benton Challis, Brandon Henson and Collin Gingrinch


  1. Good job! I like the colors you chose. The green and the purple go well together and don't clash with Taylor's black dress. Everything is clear and my eyes are immediately drawn to the title of the magazine.

  2. Wow, honestly this looks like a legit magazine!! Great job! The colors are fun and vibrant!! Love how the text frames her face and she is totally the emphasis : )
