Monday, October 13, 2014

Assignment 2, Aaron Hastings, Lamborghini

For this assignment, I took a picture of the engine block from the Lamborghini Murcielago that was on campus a few weeks ago, and decided to make a sort of add for Lamborghini. Each of the text is the primary font of a competing auto company, and each characteristic corresponds with something that Lamborghini does that the other company does not. Each font from top to bottom is as follows: lamacchina (Lamborghini), liberationSans-Bold (BMW), Fordscript (Ford), FerroRosso (Ferrari), hondafont (Honda), Jagwi (Jaguar), 911 Porscha Regular (Porsche), and alex (Lexus). Lamborghini beats each of these car company's corresponding vehicle in these factors, giving the impression that Lamborghini is better than each of these car makers without actually saying so.

Additionally, I love the alex font from Lexus because it adds emphasis to the "x" and "v," which makes the font more recognizable and unique. It's harder to notice that the Jagwi and liberationSans-Bold are uniquely designed by their respective car companies, as is every font used in this picture.

Commented on: Taylor Ricks, Courtney Johansson, Madison Houghton, Colton Fullmer, Doug Heath

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