Monday, April 13, 2015

Final Project - Robbie Dorius

For my final project, I wanted to create a visual of what I would like my future portfolio to look like. I will be creating a portfolio later this summer after I'm finished with classes. Through internship opportunities, I will be able to load some pretty neat experiences to my portfolio. I thought this image would be a cool home page, and each of the icons can lead to samples that I have in each one of the specified areas. I played around with the picture of myself a lot to try and capture an image that looked more like a drawing or painting as opposed to just the professional picture. I also chose the colors of my design by thinking about something that would be inviting (blue) but pop at the same time (orange). I'll be creating my portfolio this July.


  1. I love the design and simplistic look of your design. Everything is easy to read, has good flow throughout the display, and is well balanced with the objects around it. I like the touch of adding your picture, but in an editted way so it's still fits the rest of the design. very clever.

  2. The look of this is awesome. Totally portfolio worthy. I love the clean layout, but you can still see some of your personality through it. Great job.
