Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Travis Mortenson - Picture Assignment #1 - Love & Unity

I went to the Ice Castles in Midway on a date and was just taking pictures of the different formations. I like this photo because of a few reasons: (1) the couple and the water streams generally follow the rule of thirds, (2) the couple is silhouetted and so you can insert yourself into the photo, and (3) the streams in the back can symbolize two people coming together from different backgrounds to from one whole.

In this photo, I used content-aware fill to make the ice castle a little more seamless and fix a couple things around the base of the water stream. I also lightened up the area of the photo right around the woman so that she stands out a little bit more.

I commented on the posts by the following people:

Lorraine Chomel
Bryan McDonnell
Lori Bell
Kaushay Colvin
Cameron Moon


  1. This image is beautiful! I love that the couple are silhouettes. The colors and contrast work really well together! Great job!

  2. Awesome colors and the rule of thirds helps your eye flow just right.

  3. The silhouettes are very cool, I actually talked to Travis during class and he used some cool color techniques to layer the ice a little bit more, it makes the picture really cool.

  4. Really cool composition. I love the silhouettes against the vibrant lighting of the ice.

  5. This picture is extremely cool, I love the colors. The outline of the couple is perfect and the contrast between the ice and the couple is really nice.

  6. I love the color! And the silhouette is perfect! You really can't tell that you photoshopped it! I love it!

  7. Dude. Perfect on the spacing in my opinion. And I love the silhouette. It almost looks like you are cut out of the ice in the picture.

  8. The rule of thirds seems perfect. It reminds me of like a movie cover for a romantic film.
