Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Assignment 3 -- Bronwyn Burkhardt -- Another Day

I sat at my kitchen table eating my salad, pondering what I would do for the color assignment. I looked down, and it hit me. Not literally. When I had peered down, My salad had parted in a Red-Sea-type fashion to reveal the outline of a person pointing directly at my bell pepper. In order to live, we need our vegetables. 24 is a popular show on some network. I immediately thought of their comeback/final, Final season, 24: Live Another Day. This is what I fashioned it as. I liked the fresh colors of green and red. Although common to Christmas (of which I am very partial towards), it does not give off a Christmas-y vibe. They are complimentary colors. The website said I used a custom color scheme, but the shape is leaning towards compound. The colors used in the picture help to bring out its meaning and intent on bring a little bit of the "natural" back to our diets. I wanted to focus more on the meaning of the image than the words. Rather, I wanted to embed the words into the image instead of make them the focus.

I commented on Blake Dorton, Jessica Smith, Clarissa Oliphant, Samantha Williams, and Rebecca Harpster


  1. This image is fun, dynamic and fresh! I agree that it doesn't put off a Christmasy vibe, which can be hard to do.

  2. The contrast between the green and red in this picture is great. the interesting portions of the image happening in the corners really draw the eye in and are placed well on the grid system.

  3. these colors make me hungry. its neat to see an example of how red and green don't have to automatic be christmas colors.

  4. I love the richness of the reds and greens in your picture. The text is too faint to read, it doesn't need to be a focus, but it should still be readable.
