Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Assignment 1 -- Bronwyn Burkhardt -- Burn

When looking at this picture, you may not know what to think. That's why I love it. There is so much going on in this tight shot, yet to describe the image in one emotion--except maybe confusion--would be rather difficult. However, I wanted this picture to be direct. In your face. Something you can't easily "un-see." Look closer at that green thing in the middle, and you will notice that it is my beloved green pepper. Life lives on. No matter what is surrounding you, be it fire and brimstone or rainbows and butterflies, life persists, and we must look past those things in our lives. Just like this girl looks at us, we need to look within ourselves and see those things that truly matter.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Man... fire, am i right?! It's in my face but I love it. Fire. So great.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As the author describes, it's hard to tell what is going on, but I still like this picture. It attracts attention no matter what.

  5. Well done. I like that the person still maintains a sense of anonymity behind the fire.

  6. The purpely blue fire looks sooo cool. Isn't nature awesome?

  7. To me, this image says "Burn everything."

    ...or is that the voices?
