Thursday, October 9, 2014

Dare to do- typography Bryan Pearson

I manipulated this photo in photoshop using layers to create the text over the image. I shot the picture in RAW which allowed me to play with the color balance. Because this is a "call to action I chose to edit some elements out of the picture I thought were distracting. The subject had some logos on his pants I chose to take out because it didn't add anything to the photo. I chose to fix a rip in his shirt that was also somewhat distracting. I chose to the the visual do most of the talking and use a few simple words to bring the message home. I want people to get out and do things that they either love to do or have always wanted to do. I chose this picture to illustrate this action because I think it is well composed, the colors are nice and the perspective is unique. After watching Helevetica, I chose to use that font because it is contemporary and simple and think it fits with my message. I commented on the posts of, Ryan Cummings, Lexi Erickson, M’leah Riker, Dania Rice, and Collin Gringrich.


  1. The usage of Helvetica was genius on this photo in my opinion. I also love how the D in Dare is capitalized but the rest of the words are not. Subtle, but powerful.

  2. I thought the lighting and the font both really contributed to this picture. It was really well done!

  3. I like how the skater is in the act of "doing a daring thing" it was a great photo choice for the call. Good job.
