Assignment #1- Hayley Herrera- Escaping Normality
This is a picture of two people from Comic Con dressed as Spiderman. Not only are they dressed as Spiderman, but they are positioning themselves like Spiderman would. I took this picture because I thought it was interesting to see these two people exhibiting escapism behavior. In this picture, they have made themselves "become" Spiderman. With how the world is today, people often times turn to shows and movies as a way to escape the tasks of everyday life. These two people wanted to become more than they are. They wanted to become essentially superhuman. I set up the shot the way I did so compositionally the subjects are balanced. They are standing in unique positions to grab others' attention. These Spidermen want others to see them as someone different than who they really are under the masks. The masks show no expression and diminish most human qualities. The men, by mere costume, have become someone else, someone they view to be more exciting. While normal people would not sit on a pole or lurk on the floor, people are far more apt to adopt unique traits and do weird things behind a mask. When people are anonymous, they can be anyone they want to be.
Hayley Herrera
Cool concept. Love these costumes!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I think you're picture is the coolest one on here because it is totally unique and off the chart. The ideas here are very cool and creative.
ReplyDeleteI just like that it's so different.
Totally cool!
This is awesome! By far my favorite picture on here. I love the balance between the two subjects compositionally and find the idea of "escapism" as an interesting perspective. Great job!