Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Assignment 1: Blakely Gull

I went to school at BYU-Hawaii and met the most extraordinary family. This is their son Craig and I took this one day while I was babysitting. Honestly he was the happiest baby that I have ever met. Believe me I am no photographer so the fact that this photo is so great speaks to how naturally perfect Craig is. We were on a walk on the Laie bike trail and I decided to take a quick photo of him in the grass. There was no special lighting or anything, just Craig and his huge smile.
What makes this photo so great is the friendship I developed with this family. Darlie, Craig's mom, and I worked together as janitors for the school from 4 am to 8 am every weekday. She was only 19 and had converted to the LDS church at 18. She was from the Congo and was working two jobs while her husband went to school. They were the happiest little family despite their difficult circumstances. I mean they had to be a happy family for them to have such a happy boy like Craig. He honestly looks like a Gerber baby and that's au natural. This photo captures happiness and natural beauty in its purest form.


  1. This baby is adorable! I love how precious and happy he is. This is a super awesome picture!

  2. Such a stud with a winning smile! Nice picture.

  3. What a neat experience! I think I've fallen in love with that baby!

  4. That is one happy baby. Also It looks like he could grow a solid afro.

  5. This picture is absolutely amazing! The raw emotion on the child's face is priceless--you captured it perfectly. Love the blurred grass in the back--it complements the subject without being distracting.

  6. Such a wonderful photo in terms of timing and composition. I see you got fancy throwing in some depth of field. nice....very nice. That baby makes me so freaking happy! Awesome job on the photo. I'm probably just gonna revisit this site from time to time just to look at this baby smile. Thanks for posting.

  7. This picture stands out just because it makes me smile back at it when I see it.
