Saturday, May 30, 2015

Christine Marsh- Color Assignment 3

Growing up I played a lot of sports and always had a cuts, scrapes, and bruises. I always found the colors of the bruises to be really interesting (although the sight of blood makes me nauseous). For this project I wanted to play around with that idea, but without making it gruesome or childish. During the summer I will be working as an intern with public service announcements, so I thought I might as well practice making one of those.

For this image I took a photo of my roommate looking sad. Then in photoshop I was able to cut out the background and put the grey texture behind. Afterwards I played with the saturation of her face, so that it appeared to be almost black and white. I wanted her to still have a little bit of color though to accent her and make a distinction from the background. To make the bruises, I just used a paint brush and painted on her face. Then I added in the text and the logo. The color scheme I went with was almost all monochromatic. 

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