Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Assignment 4 Ally Hawkins

I decided to make a fake album cover for my friend who is an aspiring musician. I wanted to take a picture that used the compositional elements we have been taking in class. I decided to put her on the thirds and put a filter on it to make the color scheme more uniform. I decided to lower the exposure and brighten the whites. I also used a certain typography that I thought would go well with the overall feeling of the image.
I commented on:
Lisa Crofts
Justin Alworth
Samuel Clayton
Rhees Jackson
Anna Umstead


  1. This is great, it makes we want to play guitar. The text maybe should be a different color, it is kinda hard to see the white on white, but great!

  2. I'm really digging this! I think the photo itself is really strong, but because of that I think the text detracts from the photo. Maybe a bolder color would help it stand out and add to the impact of the album cover.

  3. I also think the photo is way cool, but I agree that the typography takes away from the photo, also the color is difficult to read.

  4. This is really pretty. I love the colors, how calming and subdued they are. the text could stand out just a little more.

  5. Thanks guys! Yeah I changed the font so hopefully it stands out more!

  6. I like it. There is good balance and contrast.
