Thursday, February 19, 2015

"Be Free" by Shauna Holdaway

I chose this picture and this quote because I wanted to convey something that makes people feel free and relaxed. Especially mid-semester like this, things get busy. I think this call to action tells people that we have control over our lives and are the only ones who can make ourselves feel free. I adjusted the contrast of the picture a little in Photoshop and then added the typography. I chose something that seemed smooth and effortless, just like the message I am trying to convey. Bob Marley may have been high most of the time but he was definitely a relaxed person. I am not telling people to go get high but simply to clear out the mind and relax. I think the colors in this are also warm and calming as well, adding to that effect. 

I commented on 5 people's posts:
1. Mary Kate Davidson
2. Taylor Neuffer
3. Sarah Ballard 
4. Stacey Koller
5.Esther Cabrera  


  1. I really like this photo, I just can't see the type that well. It's hard when you have a bright yellow on a darker background. I would just pay around with it a little more so it's readable.

  2. I agree that a different font size or color would help you convey your message more effectively. The photo itself is great! Reminds me of the Giver.
