I work for AidData which tracks international aid, its pretty confusing for some of the new employees as they try to figure out what exactly we do, and then what people do with the information we geocode. So I created this infographic, I'm not sure if it makes a lot of sense to people who don't work there, but it helped some of my coworkers. I used the color scheme of the company I work for, so not my favorite but it goes with their branding.
The call to action is obviously to a very specified group, but as my team members understand what the end result of our work is they are able to see some effect our tedious work has.
I commented on:
"art is everywhere"
Rob Hill
Keith Hubert
Ashley Frehner
Camilla Crawford
Very clear, I like the hourglass structure, and I especially love the font you chose for the 1st & 3rd lines.