I made a few versions of this assignment, please comment on which you like best! The idea behind this project was to make a Christmas card for my my family. It is in a tri-fold design where it has a front cover, a middle cover, and an inside design. The design principles that I used are color, typography, emotion and balance or composition. The colors I used: red and green are Christmas colors, so I felt that they would be appropriate. I use adobe.color.com to find the exact shades of each that I wanted. The green is a little lighter than the typical "wintergreen" color because I wanted the design to still have a light element. Also the Christmas tree on the front of the card I made in illustrator. At first I thought that I would do a typography tree, but this seemed to lend itself to the assignment more. The other would have been too much typography on one page. The typography I chose was two fold. The first is the Christmas font. It is from dafont.com. I though that it represented the Christmas season well. This font was also very simple, yet in the Christmas season, so I felt it would help the overall composition. In addition, the second font that I utilized was a handwritten font. This font was streamline enough with the Christmas font that I thought that it would be the best for the rest of the card (other than the title). The emotion I wanted to covey in this assignment was happiness and the Christmas spirit. Neither my husband's family or my family live close, so this, I felt, was a good way to covey the different activities that had taken place this year while celebrating the holiday. Finally, the balance or composition element that I chose to incorporate was triangulation as well as the modernist style. The photos as well as the wreaths and main picture in the inside of the card are all blocked out in triangles. As for the modern style, the card is simple, clean, geometric, directional elements (triangulation) and strong color theme throughout. All in all, this assignment helped me to combine all of the skills I have acquired this past semester in photoshop, illustrator and indesign. The photos were all edited using photoshop, the graphic Christmas tree was created in illustrator and the whole card itself was combined and edited in Indesign.
I commented on: Esteban De Hoyos, Reina Trejo, Austin DelaMare, Lexi Erickson, and Bronwyn Burkhardt.
This is a very fun idea and I like the layout! I would just suggest having a little less white space, maybe mix it up and not have a white background for all of them. But it looks really good!
ReplyDeleteThis is a cool idea for holiday greeting cards. I also suggest a little less whitespace, making it look more "instagram/pintrest like".