Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Project #4 Eric Morgan: Confidence

I wanted to make a ad promoting that sometimes safety has to be taken into our own hands. If we are confident about what we are doing we will have no reason to fear. I wanted to keep it simple, a simple shot of someone with simple text and color scheme. Very Black and White with patriotic blue and red in the logo design to pull the eyes to the corner then following the tagline across. I wanted to pull the emotion of confidence and independence out of everyone, not just women.

I commented on Carrie Duford, Alex Skinner, Hannah Childs, Jessica Smith, and Collin Gingrich.


  1. Eric! I really like your design. It creates such contrast and interest. It is such an empowering piece of work. And the message and emotion that you wanted to convey is indeed felt.

  2. The definition at the bottom is such a cool touch! The image is awesome as well!
