My friend needed a page designed for and article he wrote in his economics class. I used this assignment as a way to help him. The principles of a grid and color are used to make it all flow cohesively. I have the image with the grid I used and the image without the grid so you can see the way everything lines up. The article is actually really good. I would suggest clicking on the image and reading it.
Commented on:
Madison Houghton
Bryan Pearson
Alex Skinner
Mallory Jeppson
Eric Slaugh
I really like what Brett did. I like the minimalist layout page, and that it is neat and clean. Also, I like that there is space underneath the picture separating it from the text, and that there is space above the picture separating it from the top of the page. I also, like the orange lines going across the entire top of the page. The layout of the article makes me what to read it.