Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Assignment #4 - James Birdsall - Google Plus

I looked at this picture that I took and thought that it would be cool to make an 8-bit image using the bricks. Following the red color of the bricks I decided to make an ad for Google Plus. Google is pretty much everywhere in the world so I thought it would be funny to show that they are even integrated into the walls of your home. I followed the rule of thirds here and kept with the red color theme.

Comments: Tyler Evenson, Tanner Wadsworth, Hailey Stevens, Collin Gingrich, Samantha Williams


  1. I like how the image explains the script perfectly. Its very clever and balanced from let to right. Nice work.

  2. I really like the 8bit idea. You can immediately make that connection. I almost thought it was Mario for a second. The contrast is really good too. The colors pop even thought they are all just different shades of red.

  3. Creative idea! Great layout and background! It took me a while to see to g+ though.

  4. Awesome. This is really creative. I imagine it was pretty hard to make the logo perfect, but it looks good.

  5. In class I thought this was a great concept, but that it was a little too difficult to read. Now I think it looks awesome. It is still difficult enough that the picture draws you in, but it is easy enough to easily read when you make the effort.

  6. I didn't realize it was Google+ at first, but after looking at it for a second I got it. I like the creativity and it is a well designed layout.

  7. Very cool idea!! I love the brick concept and good job on recoloring them. I would have made the google logo larger and changed the light pink bricks to white to mirror the actual google image. Awesome picture though!
