Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Assignment 3 -- Heidi Ertel -- Islamic Circle

Recently I learned about the idea of an Islamic Circle.  I learned how geometric figures were very important, particularly circles which some refer to as "spiritual geometry."  I also learned how important symmetry was in making designs.  Because I was so intrigued, I decided to create my own version of an Islamic Circle.  I began with my circle cut into 6 wedges, and on each wedge I drew different designs.  Ultimately I selected one and traced it onto a new circle on each wedge.  At this stage I brought in color.  On each wedge I tested out different color schemes seeing what might best complement the design I had created.  I ultimately selected a split complementary scheme because I like the vibrant colors and how they were different, yet still all went together nicely to contrast certain elements.  Because the final product was a circle, I added a blue background which complemented the design's color scheme and added a ribbon to also bring out the colors as well as some of the less noticed details.

I commented on the posts of Sam Thorup "Eye Am Fierce," Lexi Erickson, Hannah Childs "Dancing," Lindsey Peterson "Boston Red Sox," and James Birdsall "Burning Memories." 


  1. I really enjoyed this example of color because it also included a religious aspect and something I had never known before. The color scheme worked well and was very enticing to observe.

  2. This picture has a great vibe and you can tell there's depth to the message. It seems like you put a lot of effort in this and it really paid off- way to go!

  3. I loved the mixture of the color scheme and the Islamic element. It's very intricate and must have taken a lot of work. Super cool!

  4. You really added depth to your picture! Great colors and great idea!

  5. I like how vibrant the colors are. It works with the complexity of the design, bringing each part out. Very detailed.

  6. I love seeing the different process you went through to find the best option. It turned out great.
