Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Assignment 4: An Unhinged Sky
This is a book cover I did for a friend of mine who is a writer. He hasn't published anything yet but he wants to become an author and so I created this cover for one of his books. The picture is of a mountain top with a cloudy sky repeated in different colorations. I felt I used a grid for the entire cover. The pictures form a ladder up and down while the words work their way from the top left down to the bottom right. Reading the title and seeing the changes made to the sky hopefully makes people think about the book and what it's about.
Assignment #4 CC Keller
I made a swimming promo poster. Swimming is the most watched sport in the Olympics every 4 years but doesn't get any attention the other 3 years. This is a swimmer for the USA Olympic team so I chose to change the colors to reflect red,white and blue to give it a patriotic feel as well as contrast between the red and the blue. We use underwater pictures for BYU Swimming promo posters to try to get people to come to our swim meets and I think they look really cool and hopefully they spark some interest. I got this picture from The Dark Room "Exploring Visual Journalism" which I loved because I am a journalism major. This picture really could be used for other publications like a magazine cover. I wanted to create an intense feeling and chose a bold font with big lettering to make a statement. I realize team sports are more fun to watch but with this poster I am just trying to create interest in the sport of swimming.
M'Leah Ricker Assignment #4
This is a flyer I created for the internship I'm currently doing. The target audience for our campaign is college students. As students, we get so many flyers taped on our doors or shoved in our faces we usually don't even look. So I chose to do a modern, hip style to hopefully better catch students' attention.
The font used is called Arctik Frutiger, which is also the font used for the company's "caywoodwinward" logo. It's carried throughout the entire design - just in different variations. I also got the color scheme by uploading the logo onto Adobe's Kuler website. I created the icon CW logo on illustrator, to give the design some kind of a visual focus, and to better incorporate the colors. Overall, I went for a simplistic, edgy look. I wanted something young and unique.
ALSO, This offer applies to all of you, so get your fannies in to get an eye check-up!
People whose posts I commented on: Esteban de Hoyos, Brandon Henderson, Heidi Ertel, Collin Gingrich, Jenna Randle
Assignment #4 - Reina Trejo
I wanted to create a layout for a photography website. I decided to create text that describes the purpose behind photography: capturing the moments that matter most. I also decided to put a banner of pictures across the top in order to make a simplified yet engaging layout. I used soft colors in all of the pictures to match the muted blue tone of the text.
I commented on:
Dania Rice
Esteban De Hoyos
Sydney Walton
Hailey Stevens
Spencer Evans
I commented on:
Dania Rice
Esteban De Hoyos
Sydney Walton
Hailey Stevens
Spencer Evans
Assignment 4 - Aaron Hastings - Not all those who wander are lost...
For this assignment, I took a picture with Gandalf's staff from the Hobbit, and a ring and chain. I had to edit the picture pretty heavily in Photoshop, as the sky was darker and their was a tree originally in the background. I cropped out the mountains, as my camera couldn't quite focus on them, and added the text in the font "RingM." This font is iconic of the Lord of the Rings franchise, and I thought it would be a cool touch. I really liked the contrast between the dark wood and the bright blue sky, so I tried to emphasize that contrast by using the curve function in Photoshop.
Commented on: James Birdsall, Dania Rice, Lexi Erickson, Nathan Scovill, Sydney Walton
Commented on: James Birdsall, Dania Rice, Lexi Erickson, Nathan Scovill, Sydney Walton
Assignment #4 - Dania Rice - Hipster Campaign
This is an advertisement campaign for a hipster clothing store. That was my theme. Pretty original. I chose to do three photos instead of one to portray my concept. I chose three different for the locations, but kept the text the same. The face of the model wasn't important, so I put the store's logo/symbol over her face. This makes the image interesting and different. (The style of the clothing.) I wanted it to be a fall campaign, and had it portrayed in the background and including the text fall. Helvetica is a classic text. Also, white seemed to make the text pop just enough and I didn't want the symbol any other color. For the shirt, I exaggerated the blue and red (Complimentary colors) and kept the background very mute to pull emphasis on the shirt, boots, and jewelry. (It is a clothing store after all.)
I commented on: Mandy Facer - McCall Mishler - Samantha Williams - Brandon Henson - Maren Owen
Project #4 - Austin DeLaMare - Wildflower Triathlon
This is a branding campaign that I am currently working on for Wildflower Triathlon. I love triathlons because of their versatility and challenge. For this campaign, I created the logo, color scheme, and letterhead. I chose the colors because orange and red are colors associated with wildflowers and convey and emotion of passion/drive. I designed the layout to be clean and modern, appealing to all audiences from young to old.
Commented on:
Sydney Walton
Brandon Henson
Collin Gingrich
Samantha Williams
Hayley Herrera
Assignmnet #4
I created this poster to promote a fictitious client. They colors intend to inspire patriotism and interest in the target audience. I would argue that it's asymmetrical balance.
Assignment #4 - James Birdsall - Google Plus
I looked at this picture that I took and thought that it would be cool to make an 8-bit image using the bricks. Following the red color of the bricks I decided to make an ad for Google Plus. Google is pretty much everywhere in the world so I thought it would be funny to show that they are even integrated into the walls of your home. I followed the rule of thirds here and kept with the red color theme.
Comments: Tyler Evenson, Tanner Wadsworth, Hailey Stevens, Collin Gingrich, Samantha Williams
Project 4: San Francisco Giants: Lexi Erickson

I love baseball, I love the San Francisco Giants, and they recently won the World Series so naturally I chose this. I took this picture a couple years ago when I was able to go to one of their games. I made the picture black and white because I wanted the font to stand out a little more. I made the font orange because the colors of the Giants are black and orange.
I commented on Blake Dorton, Ty Evenson, McCall Mishler, Jenna Randle and Doug Heath
Nathan Scovill--Assignment 3-- Business Card
This is my fourth project, a business card designed for Shigeru Miyamoto, the man who invented various well-known videogame characters such as Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, and Zelda.
The business card is designed to emulate the appearance of the original Nintendo Entertainment System controller.
Sadly, I consider this project unfinished. I simply ran out of time. (Balancing a 30-hour workweek with just as much school can lead to such problems.)
I hope that you enjoy it anyways, if not just for a bit of nostalgia.
Assignment 4-Sydney Walton
For this assignment I made a Christmas card for my roommate and me. I made sure the picture followed the rule of thirds (because I knew this would make it much more interesting). I played with the design of the card but decided to use very minimal words because I remembered Image Bias Theory, which says we remember images better than words. The background of the picture is blurred because I wanted the emphasis to be on us. I matched "Merry Kissmas" to the color of my sweater to create a common color scheme. For the words I used a variation of the complementary colors red and green to keep things simple and clean. I applied what we learned about kerning to the letters to make them standout and easy to read. I centered the wording to make the card more balanced. I am really happy with the overall composition of the picture--I think the combination of the image and the words is straightforward but also pleasing to the eye!
COMMENTS: Clarissa Oliphant, Jordan Wheeler, McCall Mishler, Todd Bean and Doug Heath.
Assignment #4 - "Heroes" - Jessica Smith
Somehow all my projects still end up being personal. I have to feel an emotional connection in order to spend time or come up with ideas. The missionaries in all of these pictures mean the world to me. I write them every week and look forward to hearing from them. They really are some of my biggest heroes and best friends.
So I created this collage as kind of a ad or just positive message that could be shared on church related sites. I had small white lines between the photos in order to create a cleaner cut layout. I also put the sister missionaries in the four corners and the center so that the elders could fill in the remaining four spots. I strategically placed the photos according to color and number of people in order to create more of a balance.
Commented on: Aaron Hastings, Sydney Walton, Bronwyn Burkhardt, Reina Trejo, & Skyler Street
So I created this collage as kind of a ad or just positive message that could be shared on church related sites. I had small white lines between the photos in order to create a cleaner cut layout. I also put the sister missionaries in the four corners and the center so that the elders could fill in the remaining four spots. I strategically placed the photos according to color and number of people in order to create more of a balance.
Commented on: Aaron Hastings, Sydney Walton, Bronwyn Burkhardt, Reina Trejo, & Skyler Street
Assignment #4 - Aaron Adams - Spincasting
For this assignment I chose to go with a fishing theme and use a photo my dad and I had taken out fishing. We were wearing greens and browns to blend in with the land scape. So I chose to go with greens and browns and whites for the color scheme. The photo had the correct framing (which was a miracle since we set it on a self timer and guessed) and the text was simple and easy to read. I went with a layout that was uncomplicated, to allow you to focus more on the picture. The picture is supposed to remind us of the memories made fishing... it's those memories that will make you pick up the magazine.
I commented on Clarissa Oliphant, Nicole Hale, Tyler Evenson, Brandon Henson, and Tanner Wadsworth's posts.
Asst #4 Clarissa Oliphant -Line of Authority
I created this in Adobe's InDesign for one of my converts on my mission. I used the grid system to know where to place text to be most appealing. I also used contrasting fonts, styles, and sizes for the text that create a hierarchy for the information presented, especially regarding Tom's name at the top of the page. This makes for an easy flow of information from the top to the bottom. Lastly, I tried to keep a standard margin around the text as well to keep balance and the document easy to read.
I commented on: Dania Rice, Austin DeLaMare, James Birdsell, Syndey Walton, Brandon Henson.
Assignment #4-Blake Dorton
This is a picture my mom took while we were in St. Martin over Christmas in 2009. It would be used as a Christmas card we could send to friends and family. I wanted to choose a photo that would catch the viewer's attention. I think this photo does a good job at doing that. Obviously, spending Christmas on the beach is not typical for most people, so I wanted to make it a little humorous. So, I decided to quote the first line from "Let it Snow" and then allow the viewer to fill in the blank.
I wanted to create a composition that was pleasing to the eye and simple. The photo itself does a good job at helping to direct the viewer's eye. The two people on the beach are looking up at the plane, and then the plane points toward the text. By composing this card in this way, the viewer will be easily be able to take in every aspect of the photo in one quick glance. I also decided to use a classic Christmas font called Saint Nicolas. I decided to use a traditional color scheme for the text as well. I thought these two elements would help reinforce the Christmas theme.
I commented on the posts of: Mandy Facer, Brandon Henson, Tyler Evenson, Morgan Linford, Nate Austin.
I wanted to create a composition that was pleasing to the eye and simple. The photo itself does a good job at helping to direct the viewer's eye. The two people on the beach are looking up at the plane, and then the plane points toward the text. By composing this card in this way, the viewer will be easily be able to take in every aspect of the photo in one quick glance. I also decided to use a classic Christmas font called Saint Nicolas. I decided to use a traditional color scheme for the text as well. I thought these two elements would help reinforce the Christmas theme.
I commented on the posts of: Mandy Facer, Brandon Henson, Tyler Evenson, Morgan Linford, Nate Austin.
Assignment #4 - Nicole Hale
For my project I decided to create a magazine cover. I chose one of my favorite magazines, Glamour, and gave it my own twist. My twin was kind enough to pose as my cover girl, which made the creative process even more fun. I got to create my vision starting from the clothes and all the way down to which specific red lip color I wanted her to wear.
When it came to placing her picture on the cover I wanted to make sure she could stand out among the swarm of text. I decided to place her picture in front of the text "GLAMOUR" so that she could still be the star of the piece and to create more balance. It was tricky figuring out different font styles that complimented each other. Every font had to stay in balance with the others, but also had to hold its own. I also played around with the lighting which helped my cover stand out more.
I chose a monochromatic color scheme with the reds. When I tried combining different colors it became too busy. I created a silver glittery background because I wanted to make it more fun.
Assignment 4 Mandy Facer
I created an advertisement for a (fictional) orientation meeting for the Journalism Department's Semester in Salt Lake program.
The ad uses emphasis (I pulled the color for the type emphasis from the windows), triangulation and perspective to create impact. The photo used as the base of the ad is (hopefully) compelling and will help students visualize themselves covering the important happenings at Salt Lake's Capitol Hill.
I took this photo in early morning to capture the softer light surrounding the dome of the Capitol Building and enhanced it slightly in Photoshop to give it more glow. My goal is for students to feel the Building is beckoning to them; a guiding light on the path to their journalistic career.
I commented on Brandon Henson, Morgan Linford, Nate Austin, McCall Mishler and Jenna Randle.
Assignment #4: Brandon Henson - BYU Hip-Hop Club
I created a poster to advertise a club I'm passionate about, the BYU Hip-Hop Club. I wanted to keep the layout as minimal and simple as possible. I strictly relied on rule of thirds to place the picture, the text, and the logo so that all three are equally in focus and maintain balance between each other. Because the picture is pre-dominant black and white, I decided to keep that color scheme to match the rest of the poster. I chose to have a bolder font for the words movement and culture because I feel those two words are what define the purpose of the club, to dance and learn about the hip-hop dance culture. I think the simplicity of the poster leaves viewers intrigued to find out more about the club.
I commented on projects from the following:
Tyler Evenson, Nate Austin, Brooke Adams, Maren Owen, Erin O'Sullivan
I commented on projects from the following:
Tyler Evenson, Nate Austin, Brooke Adams, Maren Owen, Erin O'Sullivan
Assignment # 4 - Tyler Evenson - Arvo
I created a poster for my friend's watch company known as Arvo Watches. I wanted the focus to remain on the watch in the middle, while at the same time having them notice the important details for the party. I created two circles that were almost like continuations or replicas of the watch. The colors of the text circles had to be neutral/earth-like to go along with the earthy feeling of the watch and nature in the background. The font was chosen because it was the closest thing to the company's actual font. I took this picture up Little Cottonwood Canyon.
I commented on Jordan Wheeler's, Becca Harpster's, Hailey Steven's, Sam William's, and Blakely Gull's.
Assignment #4- Becca Harpster- Brother's Stick Together
I wanted to create an advertisement that hits a major topic that is pressing today, so I chose bullying. The IBPA or International Bullying Prevention Association is hosting their conference this week and I thought it would be appropriate to create an awareness ad for it. I took this picture wanting their faces to hit the top line in rule of thirds to make their expressions the main focus. I wanted this ad to be raw and appeal to the viewer personally so I edited it so that it had a "look to the past" appeal so the viewer could put themselves in their shoes. I also used a simple times font because I felt that the quote was strong enough to not have an intricate font in the way.
I commented on Todd Bean, Jordan Wheeler, Tanner Wadsworth, Hailey Stevens, & Colton Fullmer.
I commented on Todd Bean, Jordan Wheeler, Tanner Wadsworth, Hailey Stevens, & Colton Fullmer.
Assignment #4: Morgan Linford- Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
The composition of this is very simple, but since it is designed for a foreigner in Germany who doesn't speak the language, simplicity probably feels like a bit of a break to them. I used the principles of consistency (font choice), alignment, and contrast to help create this advertisement for a German class for non-natives. I thought the complementary blue and orange tones gave the ad a pleasant color scheme, and I found the font I chose to be bold without overbearing. I kind of enjoy the asymmetry of the bottom three text lines, and how they do not go from largest to smallest, and I think the limitation of color also helps get the most important parts of the ad across. The logo for the school is minimalist and helps the ad avoid clutter.
I commented on:
Colton Fullmer
Samantha Williams
Taylor Ricks
Carrie Duford
Hayley Herrera
Basketball is back--Nate Austin
I decided to create an advertisement that is close to my heart. It's basketball season and it's time to fill up the Marriott Center. I kept the advertisement simple because I wanted to focus on the image and the feelings that go along with the image. This certain picture has a lot of action and is quite intense. I wanted viewers to get a sense of the excitement with the picture and then have a place to go to be able to watch it in person. I kept the font white because it showed up the best on the darker background. Also, the white font matches the white jerseys of the players, which draws the audience to the picture and back to the simple ticket information.
Jordan Miki Wheeler - Urban Outfitters Wild Poster Promotion
I commented on: Samantha Williams, Taylor Ricks, "An Unhinged Sky," Collin Gingrich, and Brandon Henson.
McCall Mishler- Assignment #4
For this project I took a picture of me from the BYU Jerusalem Center and used it as an advertisement for the center. I used the picture because it showcases the beautiful grounds at the Jerusalem Center, as well as the beautiful view of the Old City from the center.
There are a couple elements to the picture that make it visually appealing. One, is that the rule of thirds, because I am in the bottom third of the picture with the view in the top 2 thirds. There is also perspective because this photo was taken from behind so you see the city sprawl out in front of me, where I am also facing.
The colors in this picture are complementary with me pink shirt and the green of the grass and trees in the background. The only thing I did to this picture was enhance it.
For typography I used a font that looked similar to a font that the LDS church uses sometimes. It is pretty basic and legible. I made the main statement at the top and center and made the phrase connect to the photo because I was walking where Jesus had walked and looking out at the city seeing what Jesus saw when he looked out from that spot. Get it? Cool. And then at the bottom I put the purpose of the ad which is to get people to apply for the Jerusalem Center study abroad. And I made the fonts colors work so they stood out of the background.
Commented on: Heidi Ertel, Samantha Williams, Carrie Duford, Mallory Jesperson, Madison Houghton
Assignment #4 -- Bronwyn Burkhardt -- 'Tis Not the Season
'Tis not the season for getting married, but this is not as it appears. It may look like a happy couple's scrapbook for their special day when--in reality--it's the opener of a Studio C sketch. I have been employed for them for a while, and it was a funny day that they came to me and said they needed a scrapbook. They didn't give me a lot of instruction or any materials. They did supply the pictures. I wanted to keep the book simple and elegant, nothing too much for the eyes, or it would lost in the filming.
I feel like it was a little bit of a harder task because it had to serve a different purpose than most would assume a scrapbook would. It had to be plain enough, yet nice enough that my boss did not have to take all of my work and redo it. I actually did 5 pages worth, all with the gold, pearl, and pink theme. I felt that gold and pearl were classy and timeless with pink adding a nice pop here and there. The words on the front page say: "On this day, to thee I wed." I chose the script-y font to open the book because it felt real and almost a secret. It isn't the most typical of things to put in a scrapbook, so I also liked that aspect. There are many details that one might not notice because of the filming, but they are subtle and more pleasing to the eye, helping it flow over and down the page. Not to much, but enough to keep one entertained. Apparently it had enough value, for it made quite the appearance in the sketch.
For a better view of my work, the whole sketch's link is here:
I commented on: Ciera Keller, Dania Rice, Brandon Henson, Heidi Ertel, Dave Rowe
I commented on: Ciera Keller, Dania Rice, Brandon Henson, Heidi Ertel, Dave Rowe
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Layout project #4: The life ironic with Tanner Wadsworth
I work as an RA at Helaman Halls, so I decided to create a poster advertising the floor meetings I put together every week. The version I'll post in my Hall has meeting times and dates, but I left this version as more of a self-promotional poster. I've been on a Wes Anderson kick recently, so I implemented a lot of his visual trademarks. The Futura Bold, color scheme and symmetry are all things that show up a lot in his work. If nothing else, this was a lot of fun for me to make. Next time though, I'll find a better model;)
Assignment #4 - Todd Bean: Swan Lake
I was in the mountains this past weekend and I just happened upon this cool location at Spring Haven Lodge. In this picture I tried to implement the rule of thirds as much as I could with the swan intersection at a point and the text being on another point. I really like the barren trees in the background and the snow on the ground and how it contrasts with the solid white figure on the lake, a swan, and its reflection in the solid, black glass paned lake that it swims in. The filter I applied makes it look cooler in my opinion with its jew tone color pallet and the lens flare feel. The contrast of color in the filter applied to the black and white (the swan and lake) picture make for a interesting layout. I tried to put the text in the most visible location, in a color and text that makes it easiest to read. I tried to time the picture taking so the lighting wouldn't blind or distract from the picture.
oh. and swans are cool but super freaky.
I commented on: Samantha Williams, Bryan Pearson, Blake Dorton, Collin Gingrich, Steven Dawson
Assignment 4 Hailey Stevens
For this assignment I made a website. I wanted it to be like a holiday crafting/recipes/decorating blog. I used a grid to line up all of the icons and text and pictures. I wanted the color scheme to be festive with the classic red and green but I also wanted a lighter pastel feel to it, making it a bit more girly. The eye is drawn to the picture so I put it on the opposite side of the title to create balance.
Comments: Aaron Adams, Clarissa Oliphant, Nicole Hale, Mandy Faucer, Jenna Randle
Project 4 - Stefan van de Graaff
I spent the summer in Portland doing an internship. My wife and I fell in love with the place. I decided to create a sort of postcard implementing composition and balance. I like this image because these aren't necessarily tourist attractions. Rather, they're back-ally things that add to the over all rugged northwestern feel of the city as a whole.
I commented on Doug Heath, Jenna Randle, Erin O'Sullivan, Ashlyn Allred, and Bronwyn Burkhardt's.
Assignment 4 -- Heidi Ertel -- The Road
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Original Book Cover |
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Redesigned Book Cover |
For the cover I redesigned, I used a picture I took of the Berlin Wall that just happened to have no people or traffic or anything within sight. I changed the contrast and saturation to make the colors stand out before changing the photo into black and white to mimic the grey, lifelessness that pervades throughout the book. I then adjusted the photo downward so it used the rule of thirds better and then filled in the empty space with a grey that looks almost white to create a dead empty space. The font I used was a sans serif destroyed font (stamPete) which mimicked the modern world that had crumbled and decayed. I chose to make the font a deep red so that there was a slight contrast between the the words and the photo, and also because red represents energy, war, danger, strength, power, and determination, as well as passion, all of which are represented in the book. I placed the title in the top right-hand corner because I wanted it to be one of the first things seen by reading left to right. It is also particularly accentuated because it is almost literally the only thing in the sky. I then chose to place the author's name in the middle-left, just above the road and the wall because I didn't want to detract from the photo, and the eye would immediately jump from the red of the title to the red of the author's name. And from there, the eye takes in the rest of the cover, particularly the perspective of the road from the angle I took the photo at, which helps symbolize the journey the characters embark on.
Comments: Colton Fullmer, Doug Heath, Skyler Street, Blakely Gull, and Carrie Duford.
Collin Gingrich, Assignment 4
For this project I decided to use a somewhat deconstructionist layout. I took a photograph from my trip to Juneau this summer and edited it to look like a water color painting and then used different brush strokes in photoshop to give the picture an abstract and adventurous feel. I used bright colors to draw the eye to different parts of the picture. The text I used is from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and I chose a simple font so that it would not detract from the picture.
I commented on James Birdsall, Dakota Williams, Mandy Facer, Carrie Duford, and CC Keller.
Assignment #4 Brooke Adams "Answer: Still the Lakers"
For this assignment, I created my own [basic] Sports Illustrated cover, using Los Angeles basketball as the subject. Some people seem to think that because the Clippers are currently outperforming the Lakers, they could be called "LA's team." No one's going to argue which team has a better shot at the Finals this year, but it's still a Lakers city completely. A few years of success aren't enough to override a franchise's entire history (even Chris Paul and Blake Griffin agree).
To create my cover, I just created basic silhouettes from each team's star's signature move, then layered the logos on top. For the layout, I repeated the colors from the logo to create movement and draw the viewer's eye along two slanting lines pointed toward the title.
Commented on: Maren Owen, Madison Houghton, Samantha Williams, Mallory Jesperson, and Dave Rowe
Assignment #4/Dave Rowe/Portlandia
I commented lovingly on:
Tanner Wadsworth
Austin DeLaMare
James Birdsall
Samantha Williams
Hannah Childs
Jenna Randle - Assignment 4 - Still babies...
I created this invitation in inDesign (my first time actually using indesign and to my surprise, it wasn't a nightmare!) I used a color scheme of gold, purple and pink (because the baby is a girl) and followed the 5 principles of good design: consistency, alignment, proximity, contrast and hierarchy.
Yay for babies!
+ I commented on: Austin Page, Samantha Williams, Skyler Street, Mallory Jespersen & Benton Challis
Ashlyn Allred: Assignment four, "Chung Family Christmas"
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Front |
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Back |
I commented on:
Taylor Ricks
Maren Owens
Hannah Childs
Madison Houghton
Blakely Gull
Assignment 4: Austin Page- Web Page Layout
I've been working on mockups for our website user interface. The site is a textbook review website which allows students to tell students whether or not they need their textbooks. It has multiple display panels, and as the user clicks the page is changing displays. I've shown a simple version of what a user could be seeing at a given moment.
The layout was the hardest part, and to be honest I'm not completely sold on it. I'm not sure if I need more or less frames/borders to separate fields or not. Is it appealing to the eye? Please tell me what is missing!
I wanted softer colors, but these colors looks a little different now that it is on the web. Is the text legible against the blue/purple? What other colors would you suggest? Also, is the order in which the info is displayed understandable? Please, critique all you want. :)
Commented on:
Maren Owen, Skyler Street, Haley Herrera, Eric Slaugh, Bryan Pearson
Commented on:
Maren Owen, Skyler Street, Haley Herrera, Eric Slaugh, Bryan Pearson
Assignment #4 - Colton Fullmer - Greetings from Switzerland
I wanted to create a post card using the pictures I took on my backpacking trip this past summer. I combined all the pictures to form the image of the mountain so I could show the variety of scenery that Switzerland has to offer. I used a triadic color scheme based off of the color on the Swiss flag to create the sky and the color of the text "Switzerland."
Comments: Maren Owen, Samantha Williams, Sam Thorup, Skyler Street, and Doug Heath
Comments: Maren Owen, Samantha Williams, Sam Thorup, Skyler Street, and Doug Heath
Assignment #4: Samantha Williams
I created this design for promotion of upcoming shows and releases for the band Static Waves. This is thought to be an online promotion they can use on their website, Facebook page and social media sites. That is why I decided on the landscape layout. Static Waves is an Indie Rock band and I tried to stick with their clean presentation while still including their brand. I chose a monochromatic color scheme to keep the design from being too busy and then I was able to keep their colors in the circle to separate the opacity of the center and the outside of the image. The eye naturally reads top to bottom and left to right and that's why I chose this layout for the text. I chose this image of the band setting up for a show because it helps the audience to feel the excitement for what's coming (like they are setting up for the new month) it helps drive the feel of what it's announcing.
Commented on: Maren Owen, Blakely Gull, Mallory Jesperson, Sam Thorup, and Skyler Street.
Assignment 4 - Spencer Evans: Don't Believe the Lie
This is a cover image that I made for a drug awareness music video. The song is called "Don't Believe the Lie." It's about a boy who struggles with drug and alcohol addictions, and as he overcomes his trials, he learns that the "happiness" offered by such a lifestyle is all a lie.
I made the image in 3D and enhanced it with Photoshop. Both the Mustang and the guitar are important "characters" in the music video. They make frequent appearances. The boy speeds down the road in the bright red Mustang, which signifies recklessness and materialism throughout the video. The guitar, in contrast, symbolizes freedom.
I picked this fiery color scheme because it portrays destruction, which I believe is fitting for a music video about the destruction that can be caused by giving over one's freedom to harmful addictions.
I tried to effectively use Perspective when creating this image. The guitar fret to leads to a "vanishing point" in the center. I wanted the guitar fret to look like an endless road that goes toward the viewer and past the bounds of the picture.
The text is placed in the left center portion of the frame in order to balance out the empty space and provide contrast with the Mustang.
Commented on:
Maren Owen
Hannah Childs
Skyler Street
Erin O'Sullivan
Carrie Duford
Assignment #4- Maren Owen- ProvoYachtClub
For this assignment I created a poster for a local group about to host an event. For the actual photo that I took of the face of their group, I used the rule of thirds. I also tried to play with the color of the sky a little bit to make it lighter around him and darker where I put the information. Since the event is being hosted by someone else, I used her logo (not created by me). I couldn't decide on what font to use for the typography, so I stuck to the basic helvetica. The club logo I created in photoshop.
I commented on: Taylor Ricks, Blakely Gull, Samantha Williams, Eric Slaugh, and the Zion "Experience" one.
Doug Heath - Assignment 4 - Christmas Card
Christmas is coming and I'm really excited about it. I hoped that it would snow so that I could get some good pictures and last Thursday it snowed. I took several pictures and this one was among my favorites. I felt that it would look really nice on a Christmas card. So I went into Photoshop and cropped it to look like it would fit in an envelope, then put red, somewhat transparent boxes over it. Red and green are a very popular Christmas color scheme. I chose the font Snell Roundhand Regular because it fits the Christmas look.
I like this design enough that I might actually use it in the future.
I commented on Reina Trejo, James Birdsall, Mandy Facer, Hailey Stevens, and Stefan Van de Graaf
Assignment #4 - Hannah Childs - Zion
For this assignment I wanted to create an advertisement for
Zion National Park. I took this picture a couple weeks ago when I was at Zion,
hoping I could use it for this class. I wanted to use a minimalist layout for
the image. The emotion I want to have is adventurous. The main title for the
image is experience, and everything in the image is centered on the title. It
has asymmetrical balance, with the mountains on each side of the image. Also
the word “experience” in the top and the “Zion National Park” in the bottom
right corner are asymmetrical to each other. The picture has a “S” composition
to it. When I first took this picture it was kind of cloudy and fuzzy. I
brightened and increased the contrast in the image to help give the picture the
crisp look. Then I used color to help create movement. The word “experience” is
the color of the trees, to help the person move from the trees to the word.
Also, the “Zion National Park” is the same color of the clouds to help the
person move from the sky to the words.
Commented on:
Brett Bertola
Carrie Duford
Hayley Herrera
Sam Thorup
Taylor Ricks
Taylor Ricks
Assignment #4 - Baby Magazine
This is my daughter Brooklyn. My wife gets a bunch of baby magazines, so I thought I'd try creating one of my own. I used a compound color scheme to match her salmon colored jacket. The brown, green, and pink make up the scheme. I named the fictional magazine "Simply Baby" and used a cropped picture of my daughter without any other images distracting the viewer, thus going with the theme of "simple." I tried to balance the composition, with the top right and bottom left mirroring each other, and also utilized the rule of thirds with the placement of Brooklyn on the cover. When I converted this from an "ai" file to jpg, it changed my fonts, so they aren't what I originally chose.
I commented on Skyler Street, Carrie Duford, Alex Skinner, Madison Houghton, and Taylor Ricks.
Assignment #4 - Steven Dawson, From Sunrise
So. . . I made a napkin holder for my project, but because Prof. Callahan mentioned it was a little out of the box, I decided to include a still "meme" style design inspired by the napkin holder.
My design principles are simple, I intentionally had the two silhouettes leaning asymmetrically toward one side to give the appearance of motion and I took advantage of my three-dementional medium and painted the birds on the opposite side of the holder, showing them to be off in the distance. My color scheme holds warm loving colors and a single earthy green.
My greatest goal with the napkin holder was to make it sentimental, so the font is handwritten, and the silhouettes are hand painted. The idea is that it is impossible to tell from a still photo if the sun is rising or setting, (a quote from Benjamin Franklin), so one side of the napkin holder is a sunrise with two silhouettes holding hands and moving, then on the other side of the napkin holder is the same image, only with the words implying it's a sunset.
One other subtle thing is the heart formed by the two silhouettes hands, I did not write the word "love" anywhere on the napkin holder, but by forming the heart with the silhouette, the message is still there, and I think, more powerful for its placing.
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