Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sterling Randle Assignment #2- Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas

After class I was talking with Brett and he joked that I should just take a picture of the bottom of my shoe. I looked at my soles and after using some filters in Photoshop I realized that one of the grips looked like a 7. I tried to make the text look at gold and Vegas-ify it as much as possible. I wanted to make it look like the giant signs that line I-15 as you pass the Strip so I make the text vertical.


  1. Looks good, I like how the seven is placed in the picture. Nicely done!

  2. Love the movement from the seven and how you chose to follow that perspective and make the text go down

  3. I am surprised that this is the bottom of your shoe. Very creative.

  4. Dude i love the use of the shoe!! Such a great idea.
