Sunday, October 12, 2014

Assignment #2 - Austin DeLaMare - Remember

The image portrays a sepia/aged photograph symbolic of past memories. I wanted the effect of the photo to represent memories, and how the most memorable moments stay with us throughout time, regardless of how old we get. Although even the details of the best memories tend to fade over time, we never completely forget them. The phrasing “REMEMBER” is written in Helvetica, the most timeless font in existence. It’s a font that many designers use because it continues to have an impact no matter how many years go by. The letters fade out more and more as you read from left to right, but never completely diminish. This parallels the way in which we remember our past: at first we remember all of the details of our beloved memories, but over time those details fade. Nevertheless, it’s best that we remember our memories so that we can learn from the past and create a better future.

I commented on the following 5 images:

Mallory jesperson
Hayley Herrera


  1. I really love the fading of the word, the message plus the fading makes the message stand out even more. The color of the font also blends really well with the photo to create a unified theme. Two thumbs up.

  2. I feel like the font portrays what you are trying to say PERFECTLY. Beautiful picture and I absolutely love it!! You did an awesome job!!

  3. The fading word is a perfect starting point for the eye, and I love what the bridge represents as we tend to think of memories in a path of either chronological order or most important backwards. Great image and idea!

  4. This photograph with its definitive typography is beautiful. It set me down memory lane the first time I scrolled down the page and saw it. I love how the sepia photograph in contrast to the fading remember. Simply beautiful.
