Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Assignment #2 Dania Rice - Glory

Yes, I took this picture with my phone.  There are no filters on it.  Just saying.  I cropped out the landscape to make it just the sky and then rotated the image upside down.  This gave me a view in which I was looking down on the sky which is pretty cool.  There were so many different words I could have used, but I saw this sky as being glorious and reminds of heaven where we find glory.  The font is called WISDOM-Script.  I thought it was fitting.  I like the clean white look.  I also felt like it got lost when I made it small and put it in a corner.  Glory is a bold word with a bold meaning and I wanted to portray it through this picture and the text. PS Learning Suite said this is due at 11:59 tonight, so its not late! :) 

I commented on: Sydney Walton, Maren Owen, CC Keller, Tyler Evenson, and David Rowe


  1. The picture is great. I loved that you flipped it. Your imagination can do so much more for you when the image isn't just thrown out there with all the answers written across its face.

  2. Awesome colors in the sky, so cool you took it on your phone. I like the font that you used i feel like it fits with the theme.

  3. Wow I can't believe you took this with your phone. The colors are great. The font fits perfectly and compliments the message nicely.

  4. This makes me think of David Archuleta's song Glorious. I really enjoy the colors of the sky, striking but I wish the word didn't cover up so much of the beautiful colors.

  5. The orange and blue go well together since they are complimentary colors.
